Rufadora Helo Plaques
This archive of helicopter squadron and detachment plaques adorned the walls of the Rufadora Helo Bar in Olongapo, Republic of Philippines. These important mementos of the naval helicopter history have been donated to the Naval Helicopter Association Historical Society (NHAHS) by the owner of the bar.
NHAHS thanks Mr. Rufino (Pop) Ramos and his family, who loyally served the U.S. Military, particularly the helicopter community, during the Vietnam War and many years after. Former members of West Coast helicopter squadrons and detachments will particularly enjoy these memories, since the “Ruf” was their home away during WESTPACs.
The Ruf plaques now are displayed on the passageway walls of the NHA Building at NAS North Island, BLDG 654 which is shared with the Navy Uniform Shop, PWC, a 130 seat theatre and the NHA, NHAHS and NHASF Offices.
Rufadora Plaques