Monday July 30, 2018. Now that the Tomaszeski Family has their Facebook Group page up, we would ask everyone that would like to communicate with the family and Admiral to do so making use of this social media site. The information for the Facebook group is linked below. Thank you. NHA
Mary Tomaszeski Pierce

Dad had an accident while on a family vacation in South Carolina. He was knocked down by a large wave and hit the beach floor.

We were in rough waves for one last swim of the day. He has fractures in his C3, C4, C5 and C6 vertebrae and strained ligaments in his spinal column.

On the beach and he had no feeling or motion in his arms or legs. He has regained feeling and limited but increasing motion in his arms and legs. He had surgery to repair fractures and stabilize his spine. Good news is there is an incomplete injury- which means the spinal cord was not fully compressed or partially severed. This gives us a good prognosis.

Dad is in good spirits and has maintained his sense of humor. While this is a serious injury – we have been blessed in this ordeal. Dad had on this hyper bright yellow shirt-so Mark and Mike were able to find him and get him out of the ocean in a minute. A firefighter/EMT also on vacation was on the beach and Mark has first aid training.

Please use this page send encouragement, prayers and jokes his way.

Here is the link for RADM Tomaszeski on Facebook



Please let me know if you have any issues accessing.

From: Michael Tomaszeski
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2018 12:55 PM
To: Mike Brattland <retiredreunionmgr@navalhelicopterassn.org>; Bill Personius <executivedirector@navalhelicopterassn.org>; rabbitrlc@icloud.com
Subject: Update and thank you!




First, an update on my dad. He continues to recover, having set his typical understated determination level by a factor of 10. He moved out of the ICU. The next step is to be assigned a rehabilitation center, we are still pulling for Shepherd’s based on their stellar reputation. We should find out this week.


The prognosis is strong and this recovery process is expected to take a year. My dad is my hero – and I haven’t seen him fail at anything. His sense of humor is intact and he remains informed and in charge of his care. My mother is supporting him, and as always remains his best counselor and advocate. In short, they are doing what they always do, and setting a great example for us. 


We have been overwhelmed with support. We’ll be starting a private Facebook group soon to keep people updated. I’ll be sure to share the link. 


Thank you for sending these along. I’m sharing with my parents and my brother Jim and sister Mary. We really feel embraced by the Navy community. That’s always been true: I moved to DC as a recent college graduate in August of 1998. Roy and Louise Resavage gave me a room to stay in until I started my career. Mackie Christensen gave me my first job in politics. 


On this list are names I know from childhood as my sister was best buds with Megan Parham growing up, Mrs. Crocker was my elementary school teacher, and I know the Catones, the Gortneys, among many others on this list. The information is invaluable and the kind thoughts and prayers are sustaining us. 


I’ll continue to reach out and keep you updated. If you have any questions, I’ll let you know.


Thanks so much,


On Wednesday 25 July NHA was informed RADM Steve Tomaszeski, USN (Ret) was injured in an accident in South Carolina while on a family vacation at the beach.  He is currently in the ICU at Charleston MUSC Hospital and looking to move to Shepherds in Atlanta.  Anyone with information about Shepard’s or Kessler please contact CDR Mike Brattland, USN (Ret), the NHA Retired Reunion Manager at (619)-435-7139. The family is going to setup a Facebook Page to provide updates on Steve’s progress.

The following information is provided by Steve’s son Mike.

Steve is slowly recovering from extensive surgery to his neck. On Tuesday, he was knocked into the rocky sea floor by a large wave.  Steve’s son and son-in-law got to him quickly.

He has fractures in his C3, C4, C5, & C6 vertebrae and strained ligaments in his spinal column which were repaired with 9 screws. The surgeon described this injury as more like a major car accident than anything he had seen in the surf.

His injuries were more severe than first realized. Despite this, his prognosis is excellent provided we move him to a top dedicated spinal cord injury Rehabilitation Center.

We are applying to Shepherds in Atlanta. We’d appreciate it if anyone has personal knowledge of Shepherds or Kessler. 

Our window for healing is one year.

We are so thankful for all the love, care, and concern.  Steve is maintaining his sense of humor despite a slow recovery and significant discomfort.

The family will be posting information on the facebook page.  We will send you a link when we receive it.

You can send your comments, questions and well wishes for a speedy recovery to the NHA Office ICO CDR Mike Brattland, USN (Ret) and we will forward them to the family when they are ready for contact.