If you have not already RVSP’d and sent your money please do so, an accurate head count at the Saturday event will be needed in order to assure we have enough food for everyone. You may PayPal me at Jawonia@sbcglobal.net or send a check to me at 1300 Oak Street, Kansas City MO 64106. We are collecting $50.00 per person, but if you have an issue with the money please do not let that stop you from attending and contact me directly. I will be taking care of the event costs and will have an accounting available at the event for everyone to see.
Friday night we will have an informal get together and meet and greet at the Little Club, 132 Orange Ave., Coronado, CA. (Check back for exact time).
Saturday the main event will be at the Marina at Sunroad Resort Marina on Harbor Island, 955 Harbor Island Drive, San Diego, CA (thank you Lt. Carson for this event venue). There will be swimming, hot tub, food and alcohol, music and lots of visiting and reminiscing.
We have the event space at the Marina from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm and we will be responsible for cleaning up the space before we leave. I have had several people volunteer to help clean up – thank you!
2:00 pm – Greetings and space set up. (Bev Haga has volunteered to make name tags for everyone. If you have not reached out to her to give her your information, i.e. name, rank and years at the squadron, please do so).
2:00 p.m. until whenever – swimming and hot tub so make sure to bring your suit, towels, etc.
2:00 p.m. until 10 p.m. – Alcoholic beverages will be served. I plan on buying and furnishing several different types of drinks (non-alcoholic drinks will be available also). If you want to be on the cocktail committee to help me with this – please pm me!
5:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m. – Taco Bar
If you have memorabilia and pictures you would like to bring to share – please bring them. It will be fun to look at all the memories.
9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. – Clean up, vacating the space by 11:00 p.m.
If you would like to plan any other events throughout the weekend, please feel free to post on the group page to see if other people are wanting to do the same. It would be great to see groups forming to do other activities such as sailing, golfing, etc.
We have a few members checking on the availability of the squadron hanger to see if it is possible to tour the old hanger. Will keep you updated.
The more participation and interaction we all have the more fun it will be. Please do not be shy to post and schedule an outing. I will be arriving early Thursday and will be staying until Monday afternoon and I am staying on Coronado, as I believe a lot of us are. I am looking forward to reconnecting and spending time with as many of you as I can, and look forward to some fun outings!
For more information, join the Facebook HSL-33 Group-Closed or email at jawonia@sbcglobal.net