CAPT Roy Douglas Resavage, USN (Ret.) 61, died February 19, 2007. CAPT Resavage’s 27 year Navy career included numerous carrier-based operational deployments, command of two helicopter squadrons, Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadrons ONE and NINE, and service as Executive Officer, USS John F. Kennedy (CV.67), CAPT Resavage’s final Navy assignment was as Commanding Officer, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida, one of the Navy’s largest industrial complexes and 1he biggest employer in the Southeast Among other honors. he was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal and the legion of Merit.
Following his Navy retirement in 1998, CAPT Resavage began a second career as President of Helicopter Association International (HAl), in Alexandria, Virginla. At HAl, be worked diligently to promote safety, re(juce helicopter acddenl rates, advocate the establishment of adequate infrastructure worldwide, initiated new programs to enhance the professional standards of training, and a advocate for building a geographical database to assist In emergency responses to acts of terrorism and national disasters. He also testlffed before Congress. and expressed industry concerns to federal government and securtty agencies over post 911 restrictions and regulations impacting helicopter operations . CAPT Resavage retired from HAI in 2005, and was subsequently awarded a HAI Lifetime Honorary Membership. An accomplished naval aviator, he logged over 6000 hours in both fixed and rotary wing aircraft during both careers.
Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, CAPT Resavage attended Temple University on a wrestling scholarship, graduating with a B.S. in Economics and later obtained an MPA from George Washington University. CAPT Resavage loved flying, humor, history, tennis and golf; however, his primary love was for his family. He is survived by the love of his life and wife of 40 years. Louise Praston Resavage, of Alexa-ndria, VA; his son, Todd Resavage, and daughter-in-law, Gina Resavage, of Tallahassee, FL: his sister, Nina Resavage, of Warrington, PA; his brother, Steve Resavage, of Wintersville, OH; and his grandchildren Katherine and Camile Resavage. of Tallahassee, Fl.
Services were held at the Old Presbyterian Meeting House, 321 S. Fairfax St., Alexandria. VA on Friday, February 23, 2007 a 11 a.m.
Fair Winds and following Seas!