Captain Paul H. Stevens is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weik of New Preston, Connecticut and Paul E. Stevens of Laconia, New Hampshire. He attended Southern Connecticut State College and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1970. He received his commission through Aviation Officer Candidate School and was designated a Naval Aviator in May 26. 1972 at HT-18, NAS Ellyson Field, Pensacola, FL. CAPT Stevens is Navy Helicopter Designator Number R-12054.
From 1972 to 1985, Captain Stevens was assigned to numerous Atlantic and Pacific Fleet units including Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Eleven, Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron One, USS DUBUQUE (LPD-8), Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Ten, and Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Twelve. Following an assignment of the staff of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Manpower, Personnel and Training), he served as the Executive Officer and Commanding Officer of Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Four. In 1990, he was ordered to the staff of the Commander, Naval Air Force, and U.S. Pacific Fleet where he served as the Helicopter and ASW Training Officer. Upon selection to Captain and Major Command, he served as Commanding Officer of the amphibious ship USS DULUTH (LPD-6) from September 1994 through May 1996 and assumed command of Amphibious Squadron 3 in November 1996. His final tour of duty was again on the staff of the Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet where he served as the Assistant Chief of Staff for Carrier Training. He retired from active duty after more than 30 years of service in July, 2001. Captain Stevens holds a Master degree in Educational Administration and has qualified as a Surface Warfare Officer. His decorations include the Legion of Merit, (3 awards), Meritorious Service Medal (3 awards), Navy Commendation Medal, National Defense Medal, Navy Expeditionary Medal and numerous unit commendations and service ribbons. Since his retirement, he taught in the Grossmont Union High School District as a substitute teacher but now spends most of his time doing volunteer work for his church and local Kiwanis Club. Captain Stevens also served as the President of the NHA Scholarship Fund from 2008 until 2016.
Captain Stevens is married to the former Sheila Lynn Officer of Wethersfield, Connecticut. They have four children and 8 grandchildren!