Rear Admiral Robert L. Johanson USCG-RET
RADM Robert L. Johanson Helicopter rated, Graduated from the USCG Academy in 1955. After serving on the USCGC Halfmoon (WAVP)-378) on weather patrols he Commanded WPB 95306 and two LORAN Stations before going to flight training. Designated CGAV #869 and assigned CGAS San Diego. Designated helicopter pilot in 1962. Completed Aircraft Maintenance Officer training in 1965. Served CGAS Annette, Wright-Patterson AFB, CGHQ EAE, Then CO of CGAS Houston, CO CGAS Kodiak, . Staff assignment Aeronautical Engineering Division CGHQ, Commander First CG District, Chief Office of Engineering CGHQ TWO Legion of Merits, Three Meritorious Service Medals, and two Coast Guard Commendation Medals. |